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Version: 1.6

Upgrade your Okteto instance

Upgrade your Okteto Instance

To upgrade a new release, modify the config.yaml with your desired changes and then use:

$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade <your-release-name> okteto/okteto -f config.yaml --namespace=okteto --version <version_number>

For example:

$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade okteto okteto/okteto -f config.yaml --namespace=okteto --version 0.9.x

You can use helm ls to find the name of your release.

Please review the release notes before upgrading. New features, known issues, and configuration changes will be listed there.

Upgrading to 1.x

Okteto 1.x has two major breaking changes that you need to be aware of before upgrading:

  • Support for Kubernetes 1.19 has been removed, and 1.20 is deprecated.
  • The helm chart has been renamed from okteto-enterprise to okteto. All the resources created by the chart will have okteto as their prefix instead of okteto-enterprise. This change will cause all resources to be recreated upon upgrade. Depending on your cloud provider and your networking configuration, you might need to update the DNS entry of the build service after upgrading your Okteto instance.
  • The helm chart doesn't install cert-manager by default.

We recommend that you follow the steps below to reduce the disruption of the service to a minimum:

Before upgrade

Skip this step if you are bringing your own certificates. Check if this is the case by seeing that the wildcard creation is disabled in the Okteto helm values configuration:

create: false

If Okteto was generating the certificates for you, run the following command from your command line to make sure helm upgrade doesn't remove the existing cert-manager issuer and certificates:

kubectl -n okteto annotate issuer okteto-okteto-enterprise
kubectl -n okteto annotate certificate default-ssl-certificate

Then, add the following configuration to your Okteto helm values file to use the existing certificate:

create: false
name: default-ssl-certificate

default-ssl-certificate: $(POD_NAMESPACE)/default-ssl-certificate

Keeping the same issuer and certificate reduces moving parts during the upgrade, but we recommend you to bring your own certificate once the Okteto upgrade has been complete succesfully.

Upgrade Okteto

Run the following commands to upgrade your Okteto instance:

helm repo update
helm upgrade --install okteto okteto/okteto -f config.yaml --namespace=okteto

After upgrade

Use kubectl to get the new address of the build service:

kubectl get service, --namespace=okteto

The output will look something like this:

NAME                TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                           PORT(S)          AGE
okteto-buildkit LoadBalancer 1234:32449/TCP 5m

Update your DNS configuration with the EXTERNAL-IP address.

If you are bringing your own certificates, your Okteto instance is now fully upgraded. The rest of the guide doesn't apply to your configuration.

Install cert-manager

Okteto will remove the instance of cert-manager that was installed by older versions of the helm chart. If you plan on using cert-manager as your certificate provider, you'll need to install it manually in your cluster using the instructions below:

helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace=okteto --version=v1.10.2 --set global.podSecurityPolicy.enabled=true

Once installed, cert-manager will continue to renew your existing certificates. Please refer to their docs if you run into any installation or certificate renewal issues.